
Suzanna Vogel (née Dupee), BA, LMBT, is a Board Certified Bodyworker, a North Carolina Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist, personal trainer, bicycle fitter, and movement enthusiast. She graduated cum laude with a degree in Exercise and Sport Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

A lifelong endurance athlete herself, Suzanna has dedicated her career to the study of human movement. She is known for her expertise in orthopedic and sports massage, bicycle fitting, and integrative personal training for athletes.

Zanna was just 18 years old when she completed her massage therapy training at the Body Therapy Institute. She built a thriving private practice in Carrboro while earning her degree at UNC Chapel Hill.

While in massage school and seeking mentors, Suzanna wandered into Balanced Movement Studio in Carrboro. Little did she know, she’d spend the next decade working alongside and learning from the most talented physical therapists, trainers, and health professionals in the field. She has held a variety of roles there including website developer, creative director, personal trainer, bike fitter, and yoga instructor. She is currently working on a project with Brian Beatty, PT to bring tailored online strength and skills programs to endurance athletes, coaches, and retailers across the country.

vogeltandemAfter 2 years in California, Suzanna is thrilled to return home to North Carolina with her husband, Stephen, a family medicine doctor at Carrboro Family Medicine and a fellow elite cyclist.

While she’ll continue to practice in her longtime space at 304 Weaver Street in Carrboro, she is excited to also be joining her dear friend and colleague, Ben Turits, at the Endurance Collective in Durham for bicycle fit sessions by appointment.

♥ North Carolina, we’re home! ♥

View Suzanna’s Resume